Monday, October 8, 2012

Letting Go Is The Hard Part...

 photo courtesy of

So, I've gotten the closure I needed. At least, I think I did. Dealing with a socially awkward person and getting any type of closure is a very hard thing. Trust me. He graciously gave me what I needed, I guess.

I've missed my friend for months. I had hurt for months. And I wasn't ready to let go because I had no closure. It all boils down that he wanted to cut ties, right now. In the back of my mind I feel like I did something wrong. Everyone is telling me I didn't but I obviously did if a so called friend actually needs to cut ties with me. I can't be that much of a distraction for one person. Anyway, it is what it is. At least, he doesn't hate me. I think that was the only good thing to come out of it. Besides the fact that when we see each other on the street or at friends events, we'll be civil and courteous to each other. Does that make him an ex-friend now? I don't know what to call us, at this point.

Will we ever be friends, again? I don' t know. In all honesty, I hope we do. We shared a lot together. But, I can't dwell on it and wait around for it. It's not my loss. I'm a damn good friend and I need to focus on the positive and keep my mind focused on the friends who actually want to be around me.

I sit here and can say that I can finally just let go and do my thing. The next time I see him, I'll just tip my head to him and walk on by.

There's more I can say but he really doesn't deserve any more of my time. I'll just end it, here.


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