Thursday, December 22, 2011

You Don't Know Me

Preconceived Notion - n. An opinion or judgment formed beforehand without adequate evidence.

Many people have preconceived notions about me.  One, I'm a woman.  Second, I'm Puerto Rican.  I'm not trying to single myself out, here.  We all feel this, at times, and sometimes are guilty of judging someone before you know that person.  It's the way we work.

Throw all of your preconceived notions, about me, out of the window.  I can tell you, now, 95% of them are wrong.  If you don't know me, don't act like you do.  Don't judge my feelings, scold me, ignore me, leave me hanging, demand anything from me, without knowing the facts. My friends who DO know me, have every right to do so.  If you don't know the facts, ask me to clarify before jumping to various conclusions.  Something I say or do could be unrelated to what you THINK you know.  Just keep that in mind.

Oh and I have feelings, too...


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